i cant even begin explaining just how thankful we are to ronald mcdonald house. You never imagine u will need them, you think what a great thing they r for the familys of sick children and if your anything like us dont really think much more about it. Until u need them. housing for familys is very much in need close to the childrens hospitals around australia. we were so lucky to be able to use the facilities of ronald mac house at the royal childrens in melbourne for our entire stay eariler this year, i have no idea how i would of fed myself, showered, and had a small place to call home during those weeks. knowing that lilly was safe over at the house with either myself or dan or my dad or mum made things just a little bit easier to cope with.
i wish we were in the position to make a donation that would make a difference, like many of the familys helped by ronald mac house we r not. we donate all our change each and every time we enter a mcdonalds and across the year i guess that adds up to a few hundred dollars. right now in aid of ronald mcdonald house mcdonalds is selling cookie houses. the cookies r from byron bay cookie company and r yummy. $2 from every house sold goes direct to ronald mcdonald house charity. if thats all u can do this week we urge u to step inside a mcdonalds this week and purchase a house. small amounts add up to make a difference.
we will be on hand at mcdonalds wendouree on saturday morning for breakfast to lend our support to mchappy day as funds r raised for the chairty. it is of course a cause held dear to the hearts of everyone in my family after emilys accdient. to read more of our story emilys accident can be found in the labels of my blog
be generous if u can
I'll make sure I go to macdonalds next saturday! DH has already put in his order lol! I hope they have cookie houses left - they sound yum1
We rarely visit Mc Donalds but when we do all the change goes in the "Ronnie Box" as the kids and I call it.
A few weeks ago when daisyson20 was dropping me to patchworking class we drove through to get a coffee for me and breakfast/lunch /snack whatever for him and he said to the girl put change in the Ronnie box she looked very blankly at him and he just laughed and pointed to it!!!
What a lovely thing it is to see a child instinctively copy a behaviour they have seen. How nice that this boy who never has enough money EVER still thinks to give.
I emptied all my change (including the gold ones LOL) into the boxes just for Miss Em this weekend...and we went three times;)
If we were nearby a Maccas we would totally support this!!!
Was thinking of you today went I saw a McHappy Day ad.
Will definately continue to donate to this charity!! I have seen how important it was!!
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