Monday, June 11, 2007

a winner and my weekend!

first up the winner of my little RAK
was shell honig
Shell if you want to email me on with your details i will get your little note book in the post.
thanks for all the tips people put in the comments it was interesting to read what other people wanted in classes. Something i took from the weekend at the convention was that a little give away was nice!.

my weekend
off to the convention on saturday. I had a great day. Got there about 9 and wondered off to find my classroom. Dumped my heavy bag and had about 15 minutes before class started. I found the scrapbook creations stand with the display of colour competition layouts in it. And to my delight i found my layout to be up on the wall as a finalist and the comp, along with chris millar and michelle grant. Michelle was a runner up...congratulations michelle your layout was beautiful.
Here are the pink and green layouts up on the wall

thats my layout in the top row to the left. me and my beautiful lilly. (thanks to chris for the pic of the display its nice to have.) these are the pink and green finalist. see the green and black on chris's blog . Heres a close up of my layout

its given me a vote of confidence one needs before sending in your masters entry!

until next time


oh ps anyone in the flood zones i hope your all ok and things are starting to improve for you


Chrissy said...

Saw all the LOs at the show and recognised your lovely one straight away. Congrats Jacqui!!

Love Chrissy x

Shelley said...

Thank you so much!!! I am so excited to be receiving one of your cute little notebooks!!!